The event in Granard Mart is aimed at farmers and rural dwellers and has been organised to brief people on areas where they can make their farm safer and more secure.

Local crime prevention officer Sergeant Paul McDermott will give a presentation on rural crime prevention and farm security.

Longford man Myles Reilly, recently appointed as regional development manager with AXA Insurance, will give a presentation on farm safety and insurance issues.

The final presentation will be given by Kevin McManamon, Dublin footballer and sports psychology consultant, and he will outline how farmers can protect their mental health.

Tough year

Paul Belton said: "Based on feedback from farmers in the local area, this was the type of the event that was asked for. Mental health is a huge issue in rural Ireland and 2018 has been a very tough year on farmers.

''Managing your head can be a tough task and hopefully we will provide farmers with a few tips tonight on how they can overcome adversity and open up to talk to people."

The event is a Department of Agriculture Knowledge Transfer-approved event and kicks off at 7.45pm in Granard Mart.