You will have to use your judgement between the stems / pods that are already quite mature and those that are still green. Continue to watch your crops for a change from green to brown as you look across the top – check when the colour across the top is broadly similar to the colour of a hare’s back.

When you get this colour inspect different areas as best you can and decide on spray timing relative to the seed colour in 20 pods. Take these pods from the centre of the main rachime or a strong side branch.

When at least two-thirds of the seeds in at least 15 pods have turned brown or black the crop is at earliest correct stage for desiccation. A number of crops are being sprayed before this stage.

Use plenty water (200 l/ha or more) with up to 2.0 kg/ha of Roundup Powermax or 3–4 l/ha of other glyphosate formulations.

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Tillage management: harvest looms but maturity not uniform