It is now a critical time to check your rams before breeding. Any stress or infections can knock out fertility for six to eight weeks, this is the time taken for new sperm to be made in the testes.

An exam must include putting hands on your ram and looking at body condition. If rams are over or under conditioned this can impact on sperm production.

All necessary dosing and vaccines should be administered.

Then check the teeth and skin for any lesions or infections. Tip your rams over and examine all four feet for lesions or infections. Also examine the testicles and make sure the penis can come out and isn’t damaged.

The testicles should be even size and have no lumps or bumps.

Antibiotics won’t cause infertility but infections (high temperature and stress will). Try and avoid dipping or any other stressful events in the month before breeding with your ram.

Watch our video where we talk through this process of examine a ram before breeding: