Downpatrick’s Men Shed in Co Antrim was established by Action Mental Health, a charity that strives to change the lives of those living with mental ill-health and promotes resilience and well-being to future generations.

“The shed was set up in June 2013 by Action Mental Health. We received funding from the Big Lottery, who established three sheds: one in Downpatrick, Fermanagh and Antrim,” says Eoin McAnuff, who manages the project for the mental-health charity.

Eoin praises the individuality of the shedders, however he says: “Every shed is made different by its members, but Downpatrick Men’s Shed is similar to other sheds due to their community focus. They have done work for local charities and schools. They refurnished furniture and bikes for St Vincent de Paul to sell and they created a doll house for one of the schools. The shed is very much about giving back to their community.”

There’s also great variety for shed members: “They enjoy a wide range of activities, including gardening and art. They recently took part in a leather class, where they made belts. At the moment, the guys are sorting cookery classes, which will run over the next 10 or 12 weeks.”

Well-being and mental health is a strong focus within the shed. “It is about promoting positive mental health as well as well-being. One of the activities we are running is yoga and mindfulness classes,” says Eoin.

The majority of the shed members are over 50, a large percentage of whom attend daily. “Ninety-nine percent would be retired and men would travel 18 or 19 mile to come to the shed from places such as Castlewellan and Saintfield.”

The shed is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30am to 1:30pm and new members are always welcome. For more details, call Lisa Murray on 0788 540 7094 or visit Downpatrick Men Shed Facebook page.