• Pen gates and barriers: For calves and weanlings up to 16 months, there should be a 12in gap from under the gate to the slat, while 16in is best for bigger cattle. If an animal lies down flat, it can stretch its legs under the dividing gate and – when it tries to get up – become trapped.
  • Latch vs panel gate: Sliding latch gates can be used where a gate is opened frequently – for speed and ease of use. Panel gates (e.g. hinged at both ends but without sliding latches) can be used as dividers on pens and alleyways where you rarely open them. The panel gate is rugged and it is impossible for an animal to open. It is less likely to get strained as its fasteners are held in place with rigid pins.
  • Drinker gates: They have an opening so that animals can drink from both sides and the gate can open both ways. But the opening should be adjustable to suit any size of drinker. You’re likely to replace drinkers before you replace gates.
  • Creep gates: These can run the full width of the pen to divide the creep area from the cow area. But consider using one small creep gate and a small latch gate. The short latch gate makes it easier for one man to take one or two animals out of the pen. We advise against halving the bay by using a concrete wall with a small creep gate – this can restrict the farm system over the life of the shed. For instance, if the farmer changes from suckling to beef, you may need to feed stock on both sides of the pen.
  • Drinkers: The height of the drinker and type of drinkers must be decided early on, so that you can select the proper diameter of water pipe. Different drinkers require different fittings and pipe sizes.
  • Feed barrier: A stub wall or timbers under the feed barrier can withstand a machine pushing in silage, but is more severe when a animal is crossing over it. Timbers give more flexibility than concrete if you want to change the feed gate – as will happen on most farms over the lifespan of a shed.
  • Dessie Donohoe


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