Clodagh's home farm
Janine Kennedy
Chef Clodagh McKenna has spent decades building a great career in food, but it is building her farm that has given her the most joy, writes Janine Kennedy.
21 August 2024 News
A look at Irish organic sector supports - are they meeting the needs of farmers?
The second of a two-part series on the Irish organic sector, Janine Kennedy looks into the research and supports being provided to farmers and stakeholders alike.
14 August 2024 News
Positive change has occurred within Irish organics, but challenges remain
The Irish organic sector has made excellent progress in recent years; will the forward momentum continue? In this two-week series, Janine Kennedy finds out.
Melissa McCabe is cooking up winning plates on the BBC and on the street
Melissa McCabe has forged her own path cooking Irish food, whether on the BBC’s Great British Menu or through her community events – now, she is ready for a new adventure, writes Janine Kennedy.
7 August 2024 News
Sweet exposure: are our children being over-exposed to unhealthy drinks?
If you feel your children are too exposed to sugary, unhealthy drinks - either from peers or from social media - you're not alone, writes Janine Kennedy.
31 July 2024 News
This Palestinian chef is using food for good in Cork
Eman and Izzeddeen Alkarajeh offer home-cooked foods and relaxed hospitality in their cosy Cork eatery, but their hearts are with their friends and family in Palestine, writes Janine Kennedy.
17 July 2024 News
Consumer: is the new Short-Term Tourist Letting register a self-catered mess?
Aligning with new European regulations on short-term rental data collection; Ireland's new registration system could lead to thousands of self-catering closures, writes Janine Kennedy.
17 July 2024 Consumer
Regina Sexton: ‘food is a way of understanding the human condition’
Myrtle Allen would have been 100 years old this year. One woman looking at the immense impact she had on Irish food is food historian Regina Sexton, who says Myrtle was a catalyst of positive change.
10 July 2024 News
Pulse of the nation: should Ireland be growing more legumes?
Pulses like lentils, chickpeas, fava beans and peas are highly nutritious and a climate-friendly crop, so why aren't we growing more of them in Ireland? Janine Kennedy investigates.
3 July 2024 News
The future of dairy alternatives
As global brands race to innovate, the latest market research tells us there is still a place for traditional dairy at the table, writes Janine Kennedy.
19 June 2024 News
It's all down to dad: Irish businesses who are keeping things in the family
Celebrating Father’s Day, three Irish businesses who are keeping it in the family talk about following in their father’s footsteps, writes Janine Kennedy and Ciara Leahy
12 June 2024 Features
Is the craft beer industry brimming with opportunity or recklessly optimistic?
Irish craft beer is being exported more than it is consumed in Ireland –what does this mean for the future of the industry? Janine Kennedy reports.
5 June 2024 News