Dempsey at Large: The stresses of growth
Matt Dempsey
In the critical housing and health areas, we are seeing money being invested for maximum market-based return regardless of the social or societal effects.
28 August 2024 Viewpoints
Home Farm: a tale of two enterprises
Never have we sown oilseed rape so early, but the expensive lesson of late sowing, followed by a wet autumn, has left a mark.
21 August 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: How much volatility as a farmer can you cope with?
Theoretically, what happens to US wheat prices should have very little effect on us but that’s not true as these are the prices which set the tone for the prices at which feedstuffs come into Ireland.
Home Farm: Catching up over the weekend
We may also have to accept that we may run out of weather in the autumn and simply be prepared to leave some land until the land dries out in spring.
21 August 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: Generational renewal
Governments can only do so much in insulating farming from the rest of the economy.
14 August 2024 Viewpoints
Home Farm: August - a critical month
We have learned a bitter lesson this year, when the crops of oilseed rape went in too late and got much too much rain for the young plants to deal with.
7 August 2024 Viewpoints
Michael Deely - a life well lived
Michael Deely lived through and experienced firsthand the major changes that have affected Irish agriculture over the last 50 years.
7 August 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: Impartial measurement is important
As the Teagasc economists disarmingly put it, “costs stayed stubbornly high“.
31 July 2024 Viewpoints
Home Farm: Weather balancing act
One crop had large areas submerged for too long during the prolonged wet autumn and winter despite the field normally being dry.
31 July 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: forward thinking or backtracking?
For the last few years, the straw incorporation scheme worked well from a farmer's point of view.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
Home Farm: hay baled after dry days
We have now fully replenished our hay stocks, and hopefully a reasonable second cut of silage will bring us up to meet our target supplies of winter feed.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
The Home Farm: rain on hay
Last week was forecast to get better and better so we took the plunge and cut all the grass intended for hay on Friday.
17 July 2024 Viewpoints