The danger with the higher fertiliser price for farmers is twofold. Leaving fertiliser in the bag, or the co-op yard, and waiting too long to buy and subsequently spread nitrogen could cost a lot more in the long term.

What I mean is if you have to replace grass that is not grown on farm with purchased concentrates or silage, it can be a lot more expensive to the farm than expensive fertiliser.

Remember the relative value per kilo dry matter of grazed grass and feed shows that if you have to feed meal to replace grazed grass then that feed per kilo of dry matter is costing you four or five times more than the grazed grass.

It’s all well and good talking about nitrogen prices in December when there is no growth. However, if you are in March and not spreading it means less grass on the farm, so the outcome for the farm could be a different story.

Notwithstanding that there are differences between countries in terms of how the trade buys product for seasonal usage, there is an onus on farmers, merchants and co-ops to buy and sell product now.

The consequences of not investing to grow feed or crops on tillage and grassland farms could far outweigh any saving in fertiliser.

The danger of not at least getting what you need now for the next few weeks, could mean bigger issues in terms of supply later in the spring.