The performance of yearling cattle on Newford Farm over the winter period was on target, with bullocks achieving an average daily gain (ADG) of 0.75kg, while heifers achieved an ADG of 0.6kg.

The group of 46 bullocks were turned to grass on 22 March weighing 437kg on average. They gained 101kg liveweight over the 134-day housing period.

Looking at lifetime performance, the 2019-born bullocks averaged 1.01kg since birth.


The 60 heifers weighed 411kg when turned outdoors on 24 March and after gaining 80kg liveweight over the 136-day winter period are currently achieving an ADG since birth of 0.95kg.

Farm manager Iarlaith Collins reports cattle quickly settling into a grazing rotation.

He says ground conditions are excellent for the time of year and are contributing to high levels of grass utilisation with paddocks being grazed out to 3.5cm to 4cm.

It is a similar story with cows, with utilisation described as first-rate. This is being aided in some heavier covers by splitting paddocks.

High-magnesium lick buckets are being offered to cows in all grazing groups to protect against a risk of grass tetany.