Camera at the mart attended the weekly cattle sale in Markethill Mart on Saturday last. A total of 650 cattle were forwarded for sale, with numbers holding steady on previous weeks.

Numbers of forward cattle are tightening compared with earlier in the year. However, there is a noticeable increase in the volume of weanlings being presented for sale each week.

According to mart manager Hampton Hewitt, the number of weanlings currently being sold are double the figure for the corresponding week last year.

Higher throughput of weanlings is down to farmers running tight on fodder. Cattle prices are holding firm for good-quality weanlings, despite farmers being slow to start buying store cattle for grazing.

Hampton added that buyer demand is still very much focused on forward cattle and cull cows suited to intensive beef finishing.


The trade for 180 bullocks peaked at £1,465 for a 624kg Angus animal, with £1,460 paid for a 644kg animal. Good-quality fleshed bullocks sold from a general price range of 200p to 230p/kg.

Mid-weight bullocks sold from 210p to 232p/kg, with a 490kg continental animal making £1,145, with several lots weighing 470kg to 500kg making £1,000 to £1,145.

Good-quality Friesian bullocks sold from 150p to 171p/kg, with the trade peaking at £925 for a 540kg animal and £970 for a 610kg animal.

Prices for heifers peaked at £1,500 for a 720kg animal. Forward lots made 210p/kg to 233p/kg, with a 632kg Charolais selling for £1,475. Good-quality continental types sold from £1,135 to £1,380.

Mid-weight heifers sold from 210p to 231p/kg for good-quality continental types, with a 508kg Limousin animal making £1,185.


A big entry of 280 weanling cattle were met with solid buyer demand. Weanling heifers sold from 220p to 263p/kg for a 274kg animal which made £720. Heifers weighing 300kg to 350kg sold from £740 to £855.

Male weanlings sold from 220p to 255p/kg, with a top price of £830 for a 314kg animal, followed by £815 paid for a 316kg animal.