NI trends: prime cattle prices holding firm; Lamb price rebounds 20p/kg
Kieran Mailey
There is a firm outlook to the beef trade across Northern Ireland this week, while an upturn in demand has boosted lamb prices.
23 July 2024 News
Average farm income fell almost 60% in 2023 – Teagasc
Lower farmgate prices, depressed levels of production and high costs were the drivers in the reduction in farm incomes last year.
Tight supplies underpin NI beef trade
There is a more positive outlook for prices within the beef trade this week and improved demand in the live ring is benefiting lamb prices.
Fat lamb prices continue to drop
Lamb prices remain under pressure and are down by more than £30 since mid-June
10 July 2024 Northern Ireland
NI Trends: bank holiday keeps beef prices steady; lamb quotes still in reverse
There is no movement on beef prices in Northern Ireland, as plants operate on a shorter week with the bank holiday weekend. However, lamb prices continue to fall.
10 July 2024 Markets
Martbids Database: young cattle prices slip as cull cows remain in demand
While steers, heifers and weanlings have fallen slightly this week, demand for cull cows seems to be insatiable.
19 June 2024 Markets
NI Trends: prime cattle steady but cows on the up
Prices for prime cattle are steady in Northern Ireland, although there is more life in the cow trade.
19 June 2024 Markets
Factories lag behind mart trade for lambs
The live trade in NI is returning higher prices to farmers with slaughter-fit lambs for sale.
12 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Bull weanlings bolster trade in Balla
While good quality types met with solid demand overall, autumn born weanlings turned out early were the real highlight of the trade.
12 June 2024 Markets
NI Trends: prime cattle prices steady as numbers tighten
Cattle prices have hardened this week as number tighten. Lamb prices in the live ring are running well ahead of local factories.
5 June 2024 Markets
Beef trade steady despite price pressure
Prime cattle numbers are starting to tighten, underpinning prices despite processors talking the trade down.
5 June 2024 Northern Ireland
In pictures: solid trade for store cattle in Markethill
The weekly sale of store cattle in Markethill Mart saw a firm trade across all classes of stock.
5 June 2024 Northern Ireland