Five tips to prepare for autumn calving
Kieran Mailey
As autumn calving draws closer, outlined are some preparation tasks to carry out now.
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JALEX jolt for biggest and best sale yet
Shanon Kinahan has all the details you need for the upcoming sale of almost 300 Commercial Cattle at the JALEX on farm auction.
24 February 2024 Management
Five tips to reducing the risk of calf scour
Calf scour is the main cause of mortality in the first few weeks of life, so keeping on top of hygiene in sheds is important.
Five routine management jobs after calving
Once the cow calves, there will be some routine management jobs that need completing.
17 February 2024 Management
Ten tips to stretch straw for calving and lambing
With straw prices are at record highs and availability limited, Kieran Mailey outlines some options to stretch supplies this spring.
14 February 2024 Northern Ireland
Are suckler calves getting enough colostrum?
The first feed of colostrum is crucial for newborn calves, but are animals getting enough?
13 February 2024 Management
Five tips for using calving aids
When aids need to be used during calving time, keep some of the outlined tips in mind.
10 February 2024 Management
10 tips for spring calving management
With spring calving about to kick off, Kieran Mailey outlines some management tips to consider following on suckler farms.
7 February 2024 Northern Ireland
Tips for storing and feeding colostrum
Every now and then, colostrum will have to be manually fed to a calf. Keep some of the outlined tips in mind for storing and feeding colostrum.
6 February 2024 Management
Scanning time for autumn-calving herds
Suckler farmers running autumn-calving herds should be giving thought to pregnancy scanning.
30 January 2024 Management
Five safety tips for calving time
Cow behaviour can change at calving time, increasing the risk of injury. Outlined are some safety tips to keep in mind.
27 January 2024 Management
Feeding cows in late evening to reduce night calvings
Feeding cows late in the evening can help to reduce the number of animals that calve through the night.
23 January 2024 Management