There was a strong finish to weekly livestock sales at Kilrea Mart last week.

On Monday (17 December), a smaller show of lambs sold to a top price of £91 for animals weighing 22kg half-weight.

Fat ewes were a steady trade, with fleshed lots selling to a top price of £98.


On Tuesday (18 December), dairy stock were a flying trade.

Freshly calved Holstein heifers sold to £1,950. Top-quality heifers in milk sold from £1,700 to £1,900 per head.

Plainer lots made upwards from £1,500, with cows in their second and third lactations sold to £1,460.

Springing heifers made £1,580.


On Wednesday, suckler cattle sold to £1,275 for a 680kg Aberdeen Angus animal.

Mid-weight store cattle sold from 193p to 211p/kg for continental animals. Native beef breeds sold to 215p/kg.

Heifers sold to £1,050 with prices ranging from 186p to 221p/kg for continental types. Fat cows sold to £1,000 for a 740kg Fleckvieh animal.

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Sheepwatch: positive end to the mart trade

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