Focus should be turning to 2024 breeding
Darren Carty
A challenging year has left many flocks requiring significant attention to provide the foundation for positive reproductive performance.
24 July 2024 Markets
In pictures: store lambs off to a flyer in Plumbridge
The first store lamb sale of 2024 in Plumbridge Mart got off to a flyer, with a big turnout of buyers hungry for stock.
24 July 2024 Markets
Finished lambs hold firm in Dowra
Factory fit lambs in Dowra saw a lift in price in last week’s sale, but store trade was slightly easier than the week before.
NI trends: prime cattle prices holding firm; Lamb price rebounds 20p/kg
There is a firm outlook to the beef trade across Northern Ireland this week, while an upturn in demand has boosted lamb prices.
24 July 2024 Markets
Top of €1,650 at Tullamore Vendéen sale
Adam Woods reports from the Irish Vendéen Sheep Society Sale held in Tullamore at the weekend.
17 July 2024 Breeding & health
Farmer Writes: I'm a closet Massey fan
It was like Cassius Clay hit me a killer right handed uppercut, catapulting me over the cubicles and into a sorry heap in the woolsack, recalls Gerald Potterton.
17 July 2024 Farmer Writes
NI Trends: bank holiday keeps beef prices steady; lamb quotes still in reverse
There is no movement on beef prices in Northern Ireland, as plants operate on a shorter week with the bank holiday weekend. However, lamb prices continue to fall.
10 July 2024 Markets
NI Trends: price deals on offer as supplies tighten; lamb quotes drop 50p/kg
Supplies of prime cattle are tightening in Northern Ireland and price deals are on offer for in-spec stock. Quotes on lamb have plummeted.
3 July 2024 Markets
Farmers have 10 weeks ‘to sort forage deficits’
Growth rates for the next seven days are positive with mid 60s predicted for large parts of the country.
3 July 2024 News
Sheep kill could fall by over 200,000 head in 2024
A 100,000 head reduction in breeding ewe numbers, higher mortality and reduced lamb performance could see sheep throughput plummet in 2024.
3 July 2024 News
My Farming Week: Norman Dunne, Owenstown, Maynooth, Co Kildare
Norman Dunne and his father Michael used to operate a conventional tillage system, before moving to direct drilling in recent years.
3 July 2024 Feature
Sheep census 2023 results: Donegal has highest number of sheep
At the end of December 2023, there were over half a million sheep in Donegal, the Department of Agriculture’s sheep and goat census showed.
3 July 2024 News