Quality Assurance needs farmer buy-in
Phelim O'Neill
Quality Assurance is a core requirement to supply the highest value customers for Irish beef, but farmers need to see the value in euros to be persuaded to do more.
22 May 2024 News
Irish beef sales to China bounce back
Exports to the giant Asian market are still dwarfed by sales to Britain and the EU.
10 May 2024 News
Case of classical BSE detected in Scotland
There is no risk to human health as a result of this isolated case, the Scottish government has confirmed.
Irish beef worth almost €600,000 exported to China
Some 165t of Irish beef was exported at a price of €3,616/t in January.
30 March 2024 News
China bought more but paid less in 2023
China's sheepmeat imports rebounded in 2023 and beef import volumes increased slightly, but values were well below what was paid in 2022.
9 February 2024 News