Northern Ireland
Labour silent on UK farm budget
Peter McCann
Farm Minister Daniel Zeichner gave some insight into Labour’s plans for farm schemes when he said the new government “will not be over-turning the applecart”.
12 July 2024 News
Lamb price cuts must stop - IFA
Price cuts of over 20% or nearly €40/lamb in the space of just a few weeks have been experienced by sheep farmers.
New UK government pressed on farm budget
Following Labour’s election win last week, the party’s spokespeople for environment and agriculture were appointed as ministers in the new government.
Knock on impacts from Labour's UK victory
The governing legislation has turned out to be a Nimbies’ Charter, conferring veto powers on geographically small planning authorities sensitive to the objections of residents’ associations.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Labour landslide in UK elections
Keir Starmer has been elected with a sizeable majority in Westminster. This is the first time Labour has been in power in the UK since 2010.
5 July 2024 News
Colm McCarthy's UK general election predictions
In the next parliament, the surviving Tories will include very few Europe-friendly politicians, many of whom were discarded by Boris Johnson before the 2019 election.
3 July 2024 Viewpoints
Labour government could deliver for Irish exporters
A change of government in the UK following this week's election is on the cards, but will it matter?
3 July 2024 News
Brexit woes build for UK importers
The effects of Brexit are only now being felt by UK importers and exporters to the UK because of the delay in implementing border controls post Brexit.
16 June 2024 News
UK general election talk has gone post-Brexit
Almost two weeks into the general election campaign in the UK and Brexit is hardly mentioned.
7 June 2024 News
Colm McCarthy: US constitutional constraints
At the heart of the problem is the revered constitution itself, which was drafted in 1787 and has become politically impossible to amend.
5 June 2024 Viewpoints
Sheep genetics export centre to open in NI
The centre, which will be run by Animal Breeding Europe, will include facilities to collect, freeze and quarantine both semen and embryos.
29 May 2024 Northern Ireland
DAERA get animal health powers back
Environment Secretary Steve Barclay “has exercised his discretion to not retain direction and control” over key policy areas.
29 May 2024 Northern Ireland