Agri Careers: Increasing accessibility to adult education
Sarah McIntosh
Springboard-funded courses are providing a platform for adults to upskill and gain confidence in returning to education and the workforce, writes Sarah Mcintosh.
12 June 2024 Living Life
Agri Careers: Master’s degree - is it worth the money?
With a master’s degree now costing up to €25,000, it’s time to look at the important factors to consider before making a final decision, writes Sarah McIntosh.
8 May 2024 Careers
Agri Careers: ‘biotechnology is a growing area globally’
A demand from industry has led to the development of a new course in biotechnology at Technological University Dublin, writes Sarah McIntosh.
Agri Careers: 21% decline in students selecting agriculture on their CAO
The Central Applications Office has released its 2024 application data, revealing a 21% decline in the number of students selecting agriculture as their first preferences, writes Sarah McIntosh.
20 March 2024 Careers
Here come the girls
Has it been a while since you had a ladies’ day out? Here are 10 ideas for your next one.
6 March 2024 Living Life