Positive change has occurred within Irish organics, but challenges remain
Janine Kennedy
The Irish organic sector has made excellent progress in recent years; will the forward momentum continue? In this two-week series, Janine Kennedy finds out.
29 May 2024 News
Land, sea, milk, biscuits: what makes French butter so special?
The people of Brittany take their butter very seriously – so seriously, their entire regional cuisine is based around it, writes Janine Kennedy.
17 April 2024 News
PGI Grass-Fed Beef: putting Irish beef on the European map
Obtaining protected geographical indication (PGI) status for grass-fed Irish beef was a whole-island collaboration. Janine Kennedy chats to some of the people behind the effort.
Irish food professionals attend annual Parabere Forum in their droves
The annual Parabere Forum, which celebrates women’s voices in hospitality and food production, saw more than 20 Irish delegates in attendance last week.
6 March 2024 News