Desperate farmwife: when your partner has 'farm tunnel vision'
Taking a tough love approach can shock your farming partner into spending more time with the family, writes our Desperate Farmwife.
22 May 2024 Features
Desperate Farmwife: Clarkson is not alone in ‘farming the unfarmed’
Jeremy Clarkson did not invent ‘farming the unfarmed’ – Irish women on farms have been masters at it for centuries, writes our Desperate Farmwife, as she looks forward to continuing the tradition.
24 April 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: it takes a village to raise a farm
A late-night calving emergency makes our Desperate Farmhusband realise how lucky he is to have the support of his farm vet, and others around him.
Desperate Farmhusband: blessed is he among women
Dairy farmers spend their careers wanting more women for their herd while hoping for a boy to carry on the family name. Our Desperate Farmhusband doesn’t feel that way
27 March 2024 Features
Desperate Farmwife: I think nipple confusion is just my lot in life
Ever try to give a newborn calf a bottle? Our Desperate Farmwife is in the thick of calving season.
20 March 2024 Features
'The unsung heroines of Irish agriculture'
Raising a glass to the unsung heroines of Irish agriculture, writes Margaret Leahy.
6 March 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: new cows and auld tricks
When our Desperate Farmhusband needs a solution to a farming problem, he likes to go to the AFN, otherwise known as the Auld Farmers Network, for the answers he needs.
21 February 2024 Features
Desperate Farmwife: encourage your husband to celebrate ‘Palentine’s Day’ with
Farming can be a lonely profession and men aren’t always motivated to go out – so take a page out of our Desperate Farmwife’s book and encourage them to spend time with friends.
7 February 2024 Features
Margaret Leahy: never start a sentence with - 'my mother always…'
Margaret Leahy offers some sage advice: before you start whispering those sweet nothings to your other half, think about what you’re going to say first - or you might regret it.
7 February 2024 Features
Editorial: making it work
I'm not sure I could work with my husband but many farming couples have the working relationship figured out, writes Ciara Leahy.
7 February 2024 Editorial
Alice Doyle: from grassroots through the glass ceiling
This weekend is a celebration of Irish women and Alice Doyle is already making an impact in the IFA as the first female deputy president in the organisation’s 69-year history, writes Ciara Leahy.
31 January 2024 Features