Those with Multiple Sclerosis need more support
Margaret Hawkins
10,000 MS sufferers in Ireland struggle to cope with the impact of this illness on their lives, including financial challenges along with being on waiting lists for services, writes Margaret Hawkin.
3 July 2024 Health
Health: COVID-19 summer surge
COVID-19 cases are on the rise week-by-week. It’s important to safeguard ourselves as best we can during this wave, writes Margaret Hawkins.
26 June 2024 Health
Health: who is falling between the care cracks?
Cancer care has come a long way but there are still major inequalities, writes Margaret Hawkins.
Healthbytes: from health insurance hikes to sun damage and measles
Keep up-to-date with developments in the world of healthcare with this month’s Healthbytes, writes Margaret Hawkins.
12 June 2024 Health
Editorial: every number behind the scoliosis scandal is that of a child in pain
Two young boys tell two powerful stories in this week's Irish Country Living. One is heartbreaking, the other heartwarming and our readers need to hear both, writes Ciara Leahy.
1 May 2024 Editorial
Health special: food as medicine?
The idea of ‘food as medicine’ can include an element of pseudo-science, but research is proving that some foods do, in fact, have the power to heal, writes Janine Kennedy.
10 April 2024 News
Health special: 10 tips to keep your health in check
Being proactive about looking after your health can prevent a lot of problems down the line, so it pays to be healthcare savvy with these ten tips, writes Margaret Hawkins.
10 April 2024 Health
Health: sort your balance problems to avoid a fall
Feel dizzy when you stand up? Is the fear of a fall limiting what you do and where you go? Getting vertigo issues sorted out can mean a new lease of life, writes Margaret Hawkins.
14 February 2024 Health