Ask Miriam: ‘my daughter says she won’t go to college’
Ask Miriam
A concerned mother questions her daughter's decision to pass up a potential university course in favour of training to become a hairdresser.
26 June 2024 CL-IFJHome
IFJ Junior: ploughing through politics
With counting more complicated and dramatic than the Eurovision, the European elections are always entertaining, but they are also really important, says The Dealer.
10 April 2024 News
Farming sidelined in Leaving Cert 'climate' course
There is no direct reference to tillage or livestock farming in the 35-page document which sets out the specifications for the proposed subject.
Tillage sector support missing in action
Tillage – to completely ignore the one sector that is dependent on ground conditions, time of year and crop choice is an utter disgrace.
10 April 2024 Viewpoints
Lives of two ag college students ‘tragically cut short’ in road crash
Two further students of Salesian Agricultural College, Pallaskenry, were injured in the collision.
21 February 2024 News