Opinion: glasshouse repairs are needed before I throw any stones
Pat O'Toole
A clumsy and disappointing pair of factual errors have left me slow to join the pile-on Joe Biden is experiencing, but he is now an outside shot to retain the US presidency.
26 June 2024 News
Hackett to contest Green Party leadership
The Minister of State for Agriculture will face off with Roderic O'Gorman to succeed Eamon Ryan, while Michael McGrath will be Ireland's next European Commissioner.
18 May 2024 News
Taoiseach 'engaging' with Minister for Finance on VAT rebate debacle
The change in interpretation by Revenue of how VAT can be reclaimed by non-VAT-registered farmers has caused them some angst, An Taoiseach admitted.
VAT debacle explained: examining what has changed with VAT and farm investments
With the confusion surrounding VAT and a recent change in views by Revenue, Martin Merrick looks at what exactly has changed regarding VAT reclaims.
31 January 2024 Buildings