Cattle prices remain steady at Markethill Mart, with over 200 head forwarded for sale on Saturday.

Heifers sold to 241p/kg for a 530kg Belgian Blue animal which made £1,275, followed by 230p/kg paid on a 524kg Limousin animal.

Mid-weight heifers sold from 198p to 227p/kg for a 496kg animal making £1,125, with 215p/kg paid for a 500kg animal which made £1,075.

Bullocks sold to a top price of £1,410 for a 640kg animal, followed by £1,375 paid for a 640kg animal. Heavy bullocks typically sold above the £1,300 mark or 200p to 220p/kg.

Mid-weight stores sold from £835 to £1,050 or 200p to 213p/kg depending on animal quality.

Weanlings were met with steady demand, with prices of up to £810 paid for a 316kg bull calf, while heifers sold to a top price of £846 for a 346kg animal.

Suckler cow and calf outfits sold to a top price of £1,550 for a Limousin cow with a bull calf at foot, with other outfits making £1,140 to £1,310.

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