French sprayer manufacturer Berthoud launched its new triple fold sprayer boom at SIMA last year. Recently, the first Berthoud sprayer with this design was imported to Ireland by Kilkenny-based Murphy Machinery Limited and sold by Andrew Lacey Farm Machinery. The unit was sold to a Wexford tillage grower.

With larger sprayers becoming more and more popular, Berthoud made the move to a triple fold steel boom design in an attempt to neaten its larger sprayers. Unlike the firm’s two-fold offering, the largest triple fold boom is able to fit neatly alongside the sprayer, and not overhanging the cab.

Berthoud say the low centre of gravity positioning of the Axiale central pivot suspension leads to increased horizontal stability

The addition of the extra fold in the boom in combination with moving the hydraulic services from the top of the rear frame to the lift arms has considerably reduced the overall height of the unit. Berthoud say the low centre of gravity positioning of the Axiale central pivot suspension leads to increased horizontal stability. The new Axiale B3 boom is available in six working widths, from 24m up to 33m on both the Tracker mid-range of trailed machines and the larger Vantage trailed range.

The unit featured is equipped with a 27m boom, section control (nine sections), a steering axle and a 4,300l tank. The new triple fold boom will set you back €5,000 plus VAT over the firm’s two-fold offering.