It was a good week for…

  • Farmers who had cattle excessively trimmed at the factory, as Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed has said he understands a payment will be made to a farmer in any case where a trim fine was applied to a particular carcase.
  • Organic farmers, as Minister Andrew Doyle announced that organic payments will commence this week.
  • Young farmers, as payments through the Young Farmers Scheme (YFS) and the National Reserve have started to hit farmers' accounts.
  • Farmers claiming ANC monies, as the Department of Agriculture has proposed front-loading all ANC payment rates for 2019, favouring more disadvantaged areas and smaller farms.
  • It was a bad week for…

  • All farmers, as proposals to reduce the dominance of retailers and large processors in the agri-food industry will take some more "weeks" to be finalised.
  • Feedlot owners, as it emerged that 337 feedlots are locked-up with TB.
  • Cattle farmers in Northern Ireland, as an imported heifer from France was detected with Bluetongue.
  • Some 1,099 farmers, as they are facing water fines of up to €5,000 plus legal expenses for failing to sign up to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) register.