ICMSA calls for rethink of ACRES repayment options
Rachel Donovan
The ICMSA has requested that affected farmers be allowed to repay via next year's ACRES payment rather than the next scheduled payment.
10 July 2024 News
Charter has moved on, but issues remain
IFA Connacht Regional chair Brendan Golden discusses new Charter and the contribution of both the IFA and Department of Agriculture.
3 July 2024 Schemes
New charter reverts to traditional dates for payments
The announcement of the ANC advance payments will once again be a feature of the Ploughing Championships.
INHFA demands immediate action on ACRES
INHFA president Vincent Roddy says there is a high level of frustration around ACRES and that there is a need to address critical issues around payments, habitat scorecards and actions for farmers.
3 July 2024 Schemes
Junior ministers bank over €50,000
Minister of State Pippa Hackett and her husband Mark Hackett earned a total of €37,420.87 in CAP payments in 2023.
5 June 2024 News
Martbids Database: another big week for bullock trade
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s cattle trade, including what’s happening in the country’s marts.
1 May 2024 Markets
Grass buyers light up cattle trade
Better weather has brought renewed confidence to the cattle and sheep trade this week.
24 April 2024 Markets
Beef Management: breeding and meeting ANC requirements
This week's Beef Management takes a look at timing of AI and stock bull fertility and ANC stocking rate requirements.
24 April 2024 Management
ANC refresher – the important aspects for 2024
A number of changes were introduced in 2023, including revised livestock unit values, a 28-week retention period and a required minimum level of agricultural activity.
28 February 2024 News