It is looking like Margo O’Donnell’s new book could be released in September. Margo tells her own life story in a publication that looks set to top the best-seller chart.

Mary Prendergast, the Singing Nurse from Waterford, was back in Greenfield Studios in Headford last week recording a new single under the guidance of Gerald O’Donoghue. A video to accompany the new and original song will be shot in the coming weeks.

Frank Nelson from Roscommon hopes to record his 10th album this summer. Frank has been playing the circuit for many years and has also written several songs. One of them, Treasured Memories, a duet with Big Tom, was recorded a few years ago.

It was birthday time for Katie Murphy of The Murphys last week. Katie and her sister Candy co-wrote their latest song, The Streets of Promise, which has received extensive airplay and a lot of acclaim on radio stations both at home and abroad.

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