Hope ahead!

I am reluctant to use that heading because our hopes have already been dashed many times. The forecast is now less promising than it was a few days ago but some good drying would make a big difference.

This week has again been very variable in terms of rainfall. Amounts varied from 10mm to 50mm depending on location and those who got a lot have had even more since.

Winter crops have certainly begun to grow. Advanced wheat and barley are now at either side of GS31 and that means growth regulation and nitrogen. Recent cold has continued to constrain growth but not development. The consequence of this is that we could see a quick sprint through growth stages when temperature rises, with possible consequences for stem strength and lodging.

Get any small essential jobs done now because when drilling starts it will be hell for leather.

Winter crops

Get the main split of N out on all crops by stem extension stage. Finish off N on rape as the flowers begin to appear.

It is useful to check leaf emergence stage now too to guide fungicide timing. You need to have the third last leaf fully emerged for the T1 fungicide to be applied on wheat – a little away for most crops. But a late start on fungicide may make timings easier for the rest of the season.

Growth regulation on wheat can be as simple as CCC alone where the variety has strong straw if there is no mitigating factor. Where risk is somewhat greater, consider Moddus plus CCC (0.2 + 1.0l/ha). If cold conditions persist in the near term then Medax Max is the product of choice from GS29.

Where growth regulation is needed on winter barley, similar programmes to the latter two for wheat can be considered. CCC on barley is mainly used to promote tiller growth or help survival and is not really lodging prevention.

Winter barley is somewhat more variable for disease and crops can quickly move to GS32. Where diseases like brown rust and rhyncho are getting a grip, early fungicide intervention would be useful. All treatments should include a triazole plus either a strobilurin or an SDHI.

Early oat crops will shortly push towards second node and fungicide and PGR come into play. Slice open a few main stems to ensure that there are no signs of ear death due to late frost before you spray. Again, CCC, Modus plus CCC, Medax Max and Ceraide need to be used to help prevent lodging. Fungicides may or may not be needed at this point if there is no disease present.


Dates and decisions are now more critical. It is certainly late for beans, as well as wheat and oats, but be slow about discarding totally if they are part of your normal rotation. Wheat can still be used for wholecrop.

The bigger decision is what to grow. Barley seems the easy option but if there is a real demand for fodder crops consider that too. Maize is relatively straightforward and good sites might be sown with early maturing varieties in the open in May.