Northern Ireland
Sharp decline in 2024 grass yields
Kieran Mailey
AgriSearch data from the GrassCheck farms shows a decline in growth and grass yields year-on-year.
28 August 2024 Grass & feeding
Too much rain or too little causing problems
Farmers in the west and north are suffering with too much rain, while those in parts of Munster and Leinster haven't got enough writes Thomas Condon
28 August 2024 News
Farmer views: 'The winter has come six week’s early'
IFA local representatives discussed what the weather is like in their area, and the impact the weather particularly the heavy rainfall is having on farmers across the country.
High volume of calls from farmers to Make the Moove
The biggest spike in calls has been from farmers worried about fodder, Macra president Elaine Houlihan said.
25 August 2024 News
Letter re potential fodder and feed gap
"It is high time that the rural TDs of the two main political parties take notice of what is happening on the ground in the dairy industry" - Patrick O’Connor, Grange, Clonmel, Co Tipperary
21 August 2024 Letters
Will it pay to feed meal this autumn?
The economic return from feeding extra concentrate to milking cows this autumn.
21 August 2024 Grass & feeding
Water charge increase is another strain on farmers - Kenny
Water charges, set to increase in October, could have a negative impact on both farms and rural businesses.
19 August 2024 News
Completing a fodder budget after second-cut silage
Carrying out a fodder budget after second-cut silage is time well spent.
13 August 2024 l2
Dairygold introduces €15/t feed rebate
The dairy co-operative says this is in response to the difficulties faced by members in recent months, particularly following the poor weather, including a late spring.
12 August 2024 News
Dairy Management: time to wrap up silage
The weather forecast for the coming week is mixed, but it should present good opportunities to get silage cut, writes Aidan Brennan.
12 August 2024 Management
Opinion: livestock plus tillage farming can work but not within average farms
Specialisation is needed for survival in modern farming, so synergies must be between farms, not within them.
10 August 2024 Opinion
Farm Tech Talk: weanlings, TAMS and forage crops
Booming weanling prices, the TAMS approval process and forage crops all feature on this week's Farm Tech Talk.
9 August 2024 News