IFA president Tim Cullinan has requested a "top-level" meeting with Ornua after reports of a potential review to aspects of the purchasing price index (PPI).

Cullinan claims these reports “have left farmers very concerned".

"Farmers and [the] IFA have always valued the transparency the PPI has brought to the dairy market. The same transparency must apply to any proposed change in any aspect of the PPI. Any review must also be used to show the full benefits Ornua returns to co-ops.”


“I think Ornua need[s] to reflect on the timing of the review when there is such volatility and uncertainty in the market due to COVID-19 and with Brexit looming.

"Farmers need to have full confidence in the PPI and we can’t risk any perception that the goalposts are being moved," said Cullinan.

The comments came while speaking after a meeting of the national dairy management committee on Friday last.

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