My interest in horses and dogs has been a driving force throughout my life, particularly since I became a widower. After my dear wife Girlie passed in 1990, I drew great strength from my involvement with these marvellous animals.
For many years myself and my late brother Goff, who lived in the UK, would join forces to seek out the best equine or canine in Ireland.
We may have been separated by the Irish Sea, but we shared a passion for animals which brought and kept us together.
It’s wonderful to see to this day how this precious relationship thrives in the next generation with my niece Gillian, Goff’s daughter.
She and her daughter, Charlotte, are involved with Irish native horses and ponies. Gill competes regularly and I always enjoy hearing about their endeavours during regular updates over the phone.
This love for horses has always fostered a connection for our family and friends for which I am very grateful. I’ve always loved going to Dublin Horse Show.
Last year was the year that topped all years for more reasons than one, and there were a couple of other reasons I was looking forward to Dublin, especially after two years of pandemic restrictions.
100th birthday
Why was last year so special? Well, our horse ‘Bradley’ had qualified to compete there and I had just celebrated my 100th birthday. This is my 100th year and I’ve seen so many changes in the world.
‘Bradley’ is the Irish Draught stallion Drynam Hero. To me, he’s a hero by name and nature.
Dublin is the pinnacle of competition venues for the beloved Irish Draught breed and over the years, we’d attended Dublin with the wonderfully talented Laura Snow, a breeder, producer and rider. Laura and I have been friends for over 20 years.
These have been great times with fond memories, tales and plenty of laughter all the way. Thanks to this friendship, we bred Drynam Hero, and the aim was always to take him to Dublin to compete in the Irish Draught performance class.
He is a stunning stallion by Gortfree Hero, a stallion who had won the Dublin stallion class three times.
One of the many road trips to shows and sales nationwide that Laura and I have enjoyed was a day at Cavan sales. That’s where we bought Bradley’s mother Roxy. She was a three-year-old filly by Rockrimmon Silver Diamond.

Laura Snow and the Irish Draught stallion Drynam Hero, owned by Laura Snow and Robert Hare \ Nadina Ironia
Bob’s Angels
Last year, he and Laura qualified for the Dublin final. Thankfully, I was fit and able to attend, thanks to some assistance from my family and friends. ‘Bob’s Angels’ I call them!
My dear friend Hanna McDowell also has a great love of the Irish Draught. She often joined in on adventures, as well as competing herself as a fellow member of the Irish Draught Horse Breeders Association (IDHBA) and Drynam Riding Club. This riding club branch was founded by Laura with myself as chairman.
The Association of Irish Riding Clubs is a fantastic community of individuals who share an interest at all levels.
My niece Jane Robinson, a leisure rider who enjoys competing in a variety of disciplines, has now taken on the position as club chairperson.
There’s a Robert Hare Perpetual Trophy, which Drynam Riding Club award to their Irish Draught competitors at their annual summer show in my honour.
The club consists of over 40 members, avid supporters of all things equestrian and Dublin Horse Show.
They arrive in force every year, and last August was exceptional with the support we had at the ringside.
Hanna and Jane also volunteer in the Dublin main arena. They consider it a privilege to be involved in this iconic event, and along with many of my family and friends take time out every year to attend.
When I’m at Dublin, I always visit my friends at the IDHBA stand, a marvellous group of people who work tirelessly to promote and preserve the virtue of the Irish Draught breed.
I am always greeted with a warm welcome and am lifted by their energy, enthusiasm and sense of fun.
With Bob’s Angels by my side last year, I took prime ringside position, soaking up the electric atmosphere that surrounded Ring 2 to watch Laura and Bradley. They won.
To be present that day was a gift. There was so much delight and excitement in the air around us. So much went in to the road to Dublin and who knew it would be topped off with a win! Incredible!
It was the day that kept on giving. A rare experience, which will live on for years through this stallion, the people around him and through the amazing stories and memories made.
My interest in horses and dogs has been a driving force throughout my life, particularly since I became a widower. After my dear wife Girlie passed in 1990, I drew great strength from my involvement with these marvellous animals.
For many years myself and my late brother Goff, who lived in the UK, would join forces to seek out the best equine or canine in Ireland.
We may have been separated by the Irish Sea, but we shared a passion for animals which brought and kept us together.
It’s wonderful to see to this day how this precious relationship thrives in the next generation with my niece Gillian, Goff’s daughter.
She and her daughter, Charlotte, are involved with Irish native horses and ponies. Gill competes regularly and I always enjoy hearing about their endeavours during regular updates over the phone.
This love for horses has always fostered a connection for our family and friends for which I am very grateful. I’ve always loved going to Dublin Horse Show.
Last year was the year that topped all years for more reasons than one, and there were a couple of other reasons I was looking forward to Dublin, especially after two years of pandemic restrictions.
100th birthday
Why was last year so special? Well, our horse ‘Bradley’ had qualified to compete there and I had just celebrated my 100th birthday. This is my 100th year and I’ve seen so many changes in the world.
‘Bradley’ is the Irish Draught stallion Drynam Hero. To me, he’s a hero by name and nature.
Dublin is the pinnacle of competition venues for the beloved Irish Draught breed and over the years, we’d attended Dublin with the wonderfully talented Laura Snow, a breeder, producer and rider. Laura and I have been friends for over 20 years.
These have been great times with fond memories, tales and plenty of laughter all the way. Thanks to this friendship, we bred Drynam Hero, and the aim was always to take him to Dublin to compete in the Irish Draught performance class.
He is a stunning stallion by Gortfree Hero, a stallion who had won the Dublin stallion class three times.
One of the many road trips to shows and sales nationwide that Laura and I have enjoyed was a day at Cavan sales. That’s where we bought Bradley’s mother Roxy. She was a three-year-old filly by Rockrimmon Silver Diamond.

Laura Snow and the Irish Draught stallion Drynam Hero, owned by Laura Snow and Robert Hare \ Nadina Ironia
Bob’s Angels
Last year, he and Laura qualified for the Dublin final. Thankfully, I was fit and able to attend, thanks to some assistance from my family and friends. ‘Bob’s Angels’ I call them!
My dear friend Hanna McDowell also has a great love of the Irish Draught. She often joined in on adventures, as well as competing herself as a fellow member of the Irish Draught Horse Breeders Association (IDHBA) and Drynam Riding Club. This riding club branch was founded by Laura with myself as chairman.
The Association of Irish Riding Clubs is a fantastic community of individuals who share an interest at all levels.
My niece Jane Robinson, a leisure rider who enjoys competing in a variety of disciplines, has now taken on the position as club chairperson.
There’s a Robert Hare Perpetual Trophy, which Drynam Riding Club award to their Irish Draught competitors at their annual summer show in my honour.
The club consists of over 40 members, avid supporters of all things equestrian and Dublin Horse Show.
They arrive in force every year, and last August was exceptional with the support we had at the ringside.
Hanna and Jane also volunteer in the Dublin main arena. They consider it a privilege to be involved in this iconic event, and along with many of my family and friends take time out every year to attend.
When I’m at Dublin, I always visit my friends at the IDHBA stand, a marvellous group of people who work tirelessly to promote and preserve the virtue of the Irish Draught breed.
I am always greeted with a warm welcome and am lifted by their energy, enthusiasm and sense of fun.
With Bob’s Angels by my side last year, I took prime ringside position, soaking up the electric atmosphere that surrounded Ring 2 to watch Laura and Bradley. They won.
To be present that day was a gift. There was so much delight and excitement in the air around us. So much went in to the road to Dublin and who knew it would be topped off with a win! Incredible!
It was the day that kept on giving. A rare experience, which will live on for years through this stallion, the people around him and through the amazing stories and memories made.