There is no further money owed to the nine shareholders of the Keelderry commonage in Co Galway, according to Minister of State at the Department of Education Josepha Madigan.

This commonage, located in south Galway, was reduced by 87% (from 248ha to 32ha) in 2010 after one of the nine shareholders was selected for inspection.

The inspection findings indicated a reduction in the number of eligible hectares available to all those claiming Keelderry commonage, resulting in a reduced payment under the single payment scheme, Deputy Madigan told the Seanad on Wednesday 27 September.

However, Senator Seán Kyne said that there is "considerable money" owed to applicants and shareholders of the commonage.


"This was brought to the attention of the Minister, Deputy McConalogue, who gave an initial response to one of the shareholders and did not subsequently respond to a comprehensive report on the moneys that were being withheld.

"I asked the Minister to go back to the Department and inform them that the shareholders of Keelderry are deserving of their payments.

"They are lawfully due these payments and it is not good enough that just because two shareholders had the means to take a judicial review and were successful that the other shareholders are being denied their due entitlements," Senator Kyne said.