The sheep trade has started the week in a solid manner.
Reports point to lower numbers of lambs coming on to the market and factories keen to tie into deals involving large numbers. The general run of prices is unchanged, with quotes for quality assured lambs ranging from €6.65/kg to €6.80/kg.
Groups and sellers handling significant numbers are securing returns at the top end of the market rising to €6.85/kg to upwards of €6.90/kg, with more going in cases for deals involving upwards of 80 to 100 lambs.
Ewe numbers have also tightened and this is reflected in prices increasing gradually by 10c/kg.
Starting quotes for light ewes ranging less than 35kg are now in the region of €2.70/kg to €2.75/kg, with heavier ewes weighing in excess of 35kg carcase weight ranging from €2.85/kg to €3.00/kg in the main export-orientated plants and up to €3.20/kg in Ballon Meats.
Mart trade
The mart trade has also firmed for ewes with heavy fleshed ewes a sharper trade. Prices range from €140 to €170/head for heavy fleshed ewes capable of delivering high-quality carcases, with small numbers above this price.