Five management tasks for autumn-calving herds
Kieran Mailey
As autumn calving activity steps up on suckler farms, outlined are some tasks to keep on top of during September.
27 August 2024 Management
Wet grazing conditions increasing tetany risks
Cows are at an increased risk of developing grass tetany when grazing wet, lush swards.
10 August 2024 Management
Five tips for creep-grazing calves
Creep grazing is a great tool to boost weight gain in calves and prepare animals for weaning. Outlined are some tips for beginners.
Slurry window following second cut silage
There has been plenty of silage harvesting in recent days which opens a window to get slurry applied and empty storage tanks.
6 August 2024 Management
Five tips to build grass covers in August
August is a key month to build grass covers for extending grazing into late autumn. Outlined are some tips to help with grazing management.
3 August 2024 Management
Investigation of summer scour in calves
Researchers in Teagasc Grange are investigating summer scour syndrome, which is mostly prevalent in weaned dairy and dairy-beef calves, and symptoms to be aware of.
5 July 2024 News
Five management jobs for early July
As the grazing season enters the second half of the year, outlined are some jobs to keep on top of in July.
29 June 2024 Management
Five steps to get summer grazing back on track
Cool temperatures and rain have dominated weather patterns in June, hampering grass growth. But with growth set to pick up again, outlined are five tips to get grazing back on track.
22 June 2024 Management
Five tips to stretch grass covers for grazing
Grazing management has become challenging for many farms as wet weather has left ground soft and growth rates are below demand. Outlined are some tips to stretching grass covers.
15 June 2024 Management
Cold and wet conditions raise pneumonia and tetany risks
Suckler cows in milk and young calves will be at increased risk of grass tetany and pneumonia as cold, wet weather persists.
11 June 2024 Management
Five tips for reseeding grassland
Reseeding unproductive swards offers a good return on investment. Outlined are five tips for reseeding.
8 June 2024 Grass & feeding
Five tips for worm control in cattle
Worming cattle will be a common management task carried out on livestock farms in the coming weeks. Outlined are five tips to keep in mind.
1 June 2024 Management