Mixed crops, BYDV levels and yield potential in Louth
Siobhán Walsh
When the Irish Farmers Journal visited Co Louth last week we saw a huge mix of crops from good to poor.
24 April 2024 Crops
Are herbicides effective on broadleaved weeds in your crops?
Effective spring weed control, including of herbicide-resistant broadleaved weeds, requires products with different modes of action, writes Teagasc researcher Vijaya Bhaskar.
21 April 2024 Crop protection
How to identify young grass weeds in your tillage crops
Correct identification of young grass-weed plants is crucial to developing the best control measures in the current season and beyond, writes Teagasc researcher Vijaya Bhaskar.
Search for crop protection product details on the go
This tool will come in handy while on the tractor spraying and deciding on final rates to apply. All the information will be at your fingertips.
17 April 2024 Crop protection
Make sure you are using the right glyphosate rate
It is important to use robust rates of products to control weeds and prevent resistance developing to these products.
15 April 2024 Crop protection
Pesticides are more than just the main ingredient
Dr Edward Straw of Trinity College writes about how the active ingredient is a small part of a pesticide. Co-formulants which help the product to work are a large part of the ingredients.
10 April 2024 Crop protection
Managing herbicide-resistant wild oats and less-sensitive bromes
Vijaya Bhaskar AV discusses cultural and chemical options to effectively control populations of wild oats and bromes.
12 April 2023 Crop protection
Avadex Factor adds to grass and broadleaved weed control
While some fields now have grass weeds resistant to some or all of the main herbicide families, the additional control provided by tri-allate is increasingly important.
5 October 2022 Husbandry
Herbicide sensitivity across the spectrum of grass weeds
The challenges of grass weed control continue to increase as husbandry drives infestation pressure and resistance to herbicides increases. Teagasc' s Vijaya Bhaskar AV reports.
28 September 2022 Husbandry
Management of herbicide-resistant blackgrass
As growers become increasingly aware of the existence of blackgrass, the worry grows as to how it can be controlled. Teagasc researcher Vijaya Bhaskar AV outlines the options.
27 October 2021 Husbandry
Target early herbicide for general weed control
Weed control has been pushed towards pre-emerge treatment to tackle grass weeds. There are many pre-emerge options for wheat but fewer for the other cereals, write Andy Doyle and Stephen Robb.
20 October 2021 Husbandry