The Irish Farmers Journal is dedicated to providing advice and management information to tillage farmers to enhance crop growth and harvests.

Malting barley and planting oilseed rape
Conor Kehoe
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers in Derry, Dublin and Tipperary, as spring crops begin to be harvested.
Time to plant winter oilseed rape
21 August 2024 Crops
Time to plant winter oilseed rape
Oilseed rape is a good break crop option as it establishes quickly and can help to control problem weeds, writes Siobhán Walsh.
Spring harvest just around the corner
21 August 2024 Crops
Spring harvest just around the corner
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers in Wexford, Galway, and Waterford as they prepare to harvest spring barley.
Satellites and drones for targeted fertiliser and chemical use
Peter Thomas Keaveney attended a Farmhand and CultiWise working demonstration day in Laois last week where variable rate herbicide applications were derived from drone imagery.
21 August 2024 Farm machinery
Mixed weather as wheat slowly ripens
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers in Down, Meath, and Kilkenny as farmers begin to harvest winter wheat.
14 August 2024 Crops
Combines make progress in dry weather
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers who were busy harvesting crops in the good weather last week.
7 August 2024 Crops
Home Farm: August - a critical month
We have learned a bitter lesson this year, when the crops of oilseed rape went in too late and got much too much rain for the young plants to deal with.
7 August 2024 Viewpoints
Mixed barley yields as harvest continues
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers in Wexford, Waterford, and Galway as poor quality grain leads to malting rejection and cover crops begin to be planted.
31 July 2024 Crops
How to prepare for wholecrop harvest
Tullamore Farm prepares to harvest wholecrop at the start of August. Kelsey Daly looks at what stage to cut it at, how to store the crop and the need to test it for dry matter and protein.
24 July 2024 Footprint Farmers
Potatoes, maize and a lack of sunshine
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers in Dublin, Kilkenny, and Meath, where the harvest has not kicked off just yet.
24 July 2024 Crops
Combines get to work in broken weather
This week, Conor Kehoe talks to farmers in Tipperary, Down, and Westmeath as combines get to work across the country.
17 July 2024 Crops
8 winter wheat varieties make the grade
A total of eight winter wheat varieties are available for seed in the coming season. Graham, KWS DAwsum and Champion are the three main varieties.
13 July 2024 Varieties