Farmers urged to stay vigilant for bluetongue
Noel Bardon
Importers must abide by livestock isolation protocols to help ensure the disease is not introduced to Ireland.
22 July 2024 News
Over 32,000 TB reactors removed in year up to June
The Department’s TB figures continue to show a worsening of the disease’s trends in herds.
20 July 2024 Management
Five tips to prepare weanlings for sale
Ahead of selling weanlings in the coming weeks, outlined are some tips to prepare animals for sale.
Beef Management: Beef Welfare, reseeding and buying barley off the combine
In this week's Beef Management, Adam Woods takes a look at the anomalies in the beef welfare scheme, reseeding on drystock farms and buying barley off the combine.
17 July 2024 Management
Sustainability in focus at the Tullamore Farm Open day
Visitors will see soil test results, biodiversity, clover and combi crop topics covered at the sustainability stand.
21 July 2024 Tullamore Farm
Five tips to prepare for autumn calving
As autumn calving draws closer, outlined are some preparation tasks to carry out now.
13 July 2024 Management
Part time farming 50 sucklers in Co Tyrone
Adam Woods reports from a CAFRE farm walk held in Tyrone last week.
10 July 2024 Breeding & health
Five management jobs for early July
As the grazing season enters the second half of the year, outlined are some jobs to keep on top of in July.
29 June 2024 Management
Time for pre-calving minerals in autumn-calving herds
Where autumn calving starts in August, suckler farmers should be looking to introduce pre-calving minerals in the coming week.
25 June 2024 Management
Five steps to get summer grazing back on track
Cool temperatures and rain have dominated weather patterns in June, hampering grass growth. But with growth set to pick up again, outlined are five tips to get grazing back on track.
22 June 2024 Management
How much silage is on farm after first cut?
With first-cut silage complete, take the time to complete a quick fodder budget.
18 June 2024 Management
Five tips to stretch grass covers for grazing
Grazing management has become challenging for many farms as wet weather has left ground soft and growth rates are below demand. Outlined are some tips to stretching grass covers.
15 June 2024 Management