Five management jobs for early July
Kieran Mailey
As the grazing season enters the second half of the year, outlined are some jobs to keep on top of in July.
24 June 2024 Management
Dairy management: Grass on a knife edge
Grass growth rates remain subdued and more meal is being fed than farmers would like, or can afford to feed, writes Aidan Brennan.
19 June 2024 Grass & feeding
Lower grass growth rates a major risk to feed security and costs
Joe Patton, Ciaran Hearne and Michael O’Donovan from Moorepark look at some of the impacts of lower than normal growth rates and what farmers can do about it.
Weekend weather: changeable with heavy showers and some dry spells
Met Éireann has forecast mixed and changeable weather for the weekend, with longer spells of rain at times, some heavy. There will be dry spells too with sunshine, and it will become drier early next week.
14 June 2024 News
Beef Management: soil sampling, 2023 accounts and fresh feed
Adam Wood takes a look at soil sampling, 2023 profit monitor completion and keeping fresh feed in front of animals.
3 January 2024 Management
Dairy Management: grass growth, DNA and cost control
Aidan Brennan says that soil moisture deficits haven't gone away and grass quality is still very poor.
5 July 2023 Management
Beef Management: grass and worm explosion needs to be dealt with
Adam Woods takes a look at grassland management, worm control and how to sign up to the new national genotyping programme.
21 June 2023 Management
Top tips for stretching grass covers until growth rates recover
Rain over the past week will help grass growth, but grazing swards will be slow to recover. Until then, Kieran Mailey outlines six tips to stretch grazing covers.
21 June 2023 Northern Ireland
Beginner's guide to grass budgeting
Grass budgeting is a great way to manage grazing swards. Kieran Mailey outlines some steps for beginners.
Dairy management: magic day approaching
With a lift in grass growth rates now evident everywhere, Aidan Brennan says it’s time to be thinking about reducing supplement.
10 April 2023 Management
High soil temperatures driving good growth rates
Soil temperatures are running 2.5 degrees higher than normal, leading to high grass growth rates. Martin Merrick and Aidan Brennan write.
12 October 2022 Grass & feeding
Rain a welcome relief to many but growth still sluggish
Many say that you should never look for rain in Ireland, because when it comes it usually doesn’t know when to stop.
17 August 2022 Grass & feeding