Reminder: stubble cultivation rules
Siobhán Walsh
As farmers continue to harvest across the country, here is a reminder of stubble cultivation rules under nitrates.
28 August 2024 Farm machinery
Top methods to dry straw this harvest
In some areas, straw is sitting on the ground awaiting dry weather, which does appear to be on the horizon. Peter Thomas Keaveney looks at four methods farmers are using to dry straw.
21 August 2024 Farm machinery
Satellites and drones for targeted fertiliser and chemical use
Peter Thomas Keaveney attended a Farmhand and CultiWise working demonstration day in Laois last week where variable rate herbicide applications were derived from drone imagery.
US farming is getting greener, but focused on high production
In May, the Irish Farmers Journal visited the Leeper farm in Springfield, Illinois. Siobhán Walsh reports.
14 August 2024 News
Farmers misled on straw scheme
Farmers made key decisions based on the straw scheme this season, as they looked at poor winter crops.
17 July 2024 News
Exclusive: cereal production cut forecast, but lower than expected
Cereal area is estimated to have declined. Production is also forecast down, but not by as much as expected.
3 July 2024 News
Hurler is coming off the ditch
With 14 varieties of spring barley in seed production farmers are spoiled for choice for the 2025 season.
10 July 2024 Varieties
Catch crop rules changes not enough
Farmers are confused about grazing rules for catch crop and forage crops and don;t see the need for the complications.
3 July 2024 News
Topics discussed at the Footprint Farmers farm walk
This week Kelsey Daly covers the huge turnout at the Waterford Footprint Farmers walk, topics such as Vixeran, slurry, and sustainable measures were prominent throughout the event.
Tillage Management: fungicides and farm walks
There is plenty to be done on tillage farms at present. Spraying fungicides is one of the priority jobs on a number of crops.
12 June 2024 Husbandry
Bean crops due a fungicide in the coming days
Spring beans are generally treated with a fungicide at the start of flowering to prevent disease building up on the crop.
11 June 2024 News
Tillage needs investment to play its part in sustainable Irish agriculture
The tillage sector can play a key role in making Irish agriculture more sustainable and environmentally friendly, writes Siobhán Walsh.
19 June 2024 News