Factories not supportive of real quality animals, say farmers
Phelim O'Neill
It is ironic that the top quality beef bred carcases are often outside supermarket specification while dairy bred cattle do.
20 July 2024 Farm safety
Safety statement third most common cause of QA non-compliance
Farms with three or more employees are legally required to possess an up-to-date Farm Safety Statement while farms with less than three employees must have a Farm Safety Risk Assessment.
20 July 2024 Markets
Global sheep prices: Australian prices record significant improvement
Australian prices have increased to the equivalent of upwards of €5/kg, but New Zealand farmers remain in big trouble, with farmgate returns at just €3.70/kg.
Korean beef buyers visit Tipperary farm
The group, which includes leading meat importers and distributors from South Korea, visited John Purcell’s farm near Golden, Co Tipperary, on Wednesday.
18 July 2024 News
Quality Assurance needs farmer buy-in
Quality Assurance is a core requirement to supply the highest value customers for Irish beef, but farmers need to see the value in euros to be persuaded to do more.
14 July 2024 News
IFA halts Bord Bia's overhaul of QA scheme
The IFA move follows concerns at the level of additional requirements that could potentially be foisted on farmers, and the pressure being applied to agree these changes.
10 July 2024 News
Days of exporting unweaned calves 'on life support'
The Netherlands is looking to fast-track new rules, which would hamper calf exports to the market.
10 July 2024 News
Creep feeding suckler weanlings- does it pay?
Adam Woods takes a look at some tips and advice for drystock farms.
3 July 2024 Management
Beef Trends: factories turn the screw
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest factory quotes for finished cattle.
3 July 2024 Markets
Dutch move poses threat to 77,000 calf exports
Calf exports will only be possible from 2026 on, if a number of criteria are met, according to sheepmeat and livestock sector manager at Bord Bia, Séamus McMenamin.
3 July 2024 News
Factories can and must do more on beef price - IFA
UK prices are more than 60c/kg above Irish prices, IFA livestock chair Declan Hanrahan has said.
1 July 2024 News
Five-year high for Irish beef exports
Bord Bia data shows that Irish beef export volumes hit a five-year high for first four months of the year.
30 June 2024 News