Catch crop rules changes not enough
Siobhán Walsh
Farmers are confused about grazing rules for catch crop and forage crops and don;t see the need for the complications.
15 June 2024 Nitrates
Tillage: buffers, liebacks and changes to ACRES rules
There are a lot of rules for tillage farmers to follow to protect water quality and more changes to ACRES rules.
12 June 2024 Nitrates
Further nitrates changes ‘in the pipeline’
The measures proposed under the interim review of the Nitrates Action Programme include reduced excretion rates for calves and lower feed protein allowances.
Organic farming in the heartland of tillage country
Gavin Tully is an organic tillage farmer near Camolin, Co Wexford. Niamh Murphy explains why he made the switch.
5 June 2024 News
Forage crops for grazing need buffer zones and liebacks
Planning for grazing forage crops has to start early as buffer zones and a lie-back area have to be left in place.
20 March 2024 Fodder
Making the most of machine settings for tillage cultivations
Most modern machinery has a significant amount of adjustment capability. These adjustments are seldom utilised but they are there for a purpose to help you do a better job. Andy Doyle reports.
13 March 2024 Farm machinery
Commission proposes one-year derogation for fallow lands
The proposal comes following requests outlined by several Member States in Agriculture Council meetings.
31 January 2024 News