Higher prices for heavy cattle
Adam Woods
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade including the latest on live exports.
6 July 2024 News
IFA takes aim at sheep factories for pulling prices
The scale of the price cuts in factories is undermining farmers’ viability and squeezing their margins even more, IFA sheep chair Adrian Gallagher has said.
3 July 2024 Markets
Lamb prices fall by up to €30/hd in just three weeks
Another 50c/kg has been deducted from quotes over the last week, leading to prices falling by another €10/head.
Back to basics at BEEF 2024
Adam Woods reports from last week’s national Teagasc beef event in Grange.
3 July 2024 Management
Sheep Trends: lamb quotes suffer another 50c/kg cut
Factories started the week dropping quotes by 20c/kg and have followed this up with a 30c/kg cut to base quotes for Thursday’s kill.
3 July 2024 Markets
Amazone turnover up 6%
The German manufacturer, Amazone, has reported a turnover of €852m for 2023, a 6% increase on 2022 when it had turned over €804m.
26 June 2024 News
Tensions between the EU and China could spell problems for Irish food exports
We are facing a future with China where we have to be mindful of the broad tension between China’s industrial export policies v the expanding food imports required to feed China’s huge population.
26 June 2024 Viewpoints
Increased Chinese dairy output unsettles export markets
With China importing significantly less dairy produce, competition for exports has increased on other markets such as North Africa.
23 June 2024 News
Dawn Meats to expand for Aldi contract
New Aldi contract of 25m per year, will mean 15 new jobs and triggers a €5m expansion for Dawn's Waterford factory.
19 June 2024 News
Factories move to reduce lamb price quotes
Base quotes for Monday have been pulled by 30c/kg to 50c/kg or the equivalent of €6 to €10.50 on a 21kg lamb carcase.
16 June 2024 Markets
Lamb quotes cut by 20c/kg to 30c/kg, hoggets by 30c/kg to 80c/kg
Speaking at the sheep shearing championships, IFA sheep chair Adrian Gallagher said the attempted cut risked undermining the sheep trade.
2 June 2024 Markets
Factories undermining sheep sector with attempted price cuts - IFA
IFA sheep chair Adrian Gallagher called on factories to be responsible in their pricing of lambs and hoggets and to maximise returns from the marketplace for sheep farmers.
31 May 2024 News