Money Mentor: is joining a company pension scheme worth it?
In this week’s Money Mentor, Martin Glennon, Head of Financial Planning at Ifac, discusses the value to be gotten from joining a company pension scheme.
10 July 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: stay classy with the Massey
When you do your own silage, it takes years to build up the machinery to do it efficiently, writes our Desperate Farmhusband.
26 June 2024 l2
IFJ Junior editorial: 'I see how hard mum and dad work'
Living on a goat farm where we make our own cheese is busy, but I love being out in nature, writes Luisne Ní Urdail.
Desperate Farmwife: bullying in a small, rural school is difficult to navigate
Are kids just being kids, or is there more going on? Our Desperate Farmwife doesn’t have all the answers, but she is always there for her children (and her cows).
19 June 2024 Features
It's all down to dad: Irish businesses who are keeping things in the family
Celebrating Father’s Day, three Irish businesses who are keeping it in the family talk about following in their father’s footsteps, writes Janine Kennedy and Ciara Leahy
12 June 2024 Features
Food editorial: what's your favourite time of day in the summer?
Those early summer mornings and late evenings are perfect for indulging in your favourite Irish foods, writes Janine Kennedy.
29 May 2024 News
From soil to seed: is rapeseed the Irish equivalent to extra virgin olive oil?
As GPs and dieticians encourage the consumption of more "good fats" in our diet, Irish rapeseed oil is rankly highly, writes Janine Kennedy.
22 May 2024 News
Legal: how to save money when transferring land
When transferring land, be smart about structuring the transfer to maximise tax incentives such as stamp duty relief and gift tax, writes Aisling Meehan.
15 May 2024 Consumer
Legal: my son and his partner are living in my family home rent-free
Aisling Meehan advises a reader who is having an issue with her son and his partner – they live rent-free in her original family house and she wants them to rent or buy.
17 April 2024 Consumer
Desperate Farmwife: the time has come to fly the coop
For years, our Desperate Farmwife stayed home with smallies while her husband saw the world. Now, it's her turn.
10 April 2024 Features
Does Ireland have a viable future in sustainable aquaculture?
Despite the many challenges the Irish aquaculture industry has faced over the years, there are many working to ensure it has a bright and sustainable future, writes Janine Kennedy.
20 March 2024 News
To pod, or not to pod? That is the question
There are still roadblocks in the way of farmers looking to diversify into agritourism, but there is a lot of potential as well, writes Janine Kennedy.
21 February 2024 Consumer