Reminder: stubble cultivation rules
Siobhán Walsh
As farmers continue to harvest across the country, here is a reminder of stubble cultivation rules under nitrates.
21 August 2024 News
Do you have skylarks nesting in cereal fields?
Skylarks are commonly found in cereal fields in stubble over the winter, but farmer and birdwatcher Paul Moore has found them in growing crops.
24 July 2024 Dealer
Straw Incorporation Measure fiasco
The Straw Incorporation Measure Fiasco is something may still be resolved ,but it was always entirely avoidable.
Tillage Management: safety, stubbles and straw
There looks to be some good weather on the way for the harvest. Farmers who have been unable to cut will be glad to see a dry spell.
24 July 2024 Husbandry
Forage crops for grazing need buffer zones and liebacks
Planning for grazing forage crops has to start early as buffer zones and a lie-back area have to be left in place.
20 March 2024 Fodder
Department changes ACRES stubble rules
The Department of Agriculture has made amendments to ACRES measure for catch crops and over-winter stubble.
6 March 2024 News
Bird numbers down due to loss of winter stubbles
John Lusby of BirdWatch Ireland says that new rules in agriculture are not well thought out. Farmland birds are one of the latest casualties.
6 March 2024 News