New Zealand farmers fighting back and seeking support
New Zealand farmers are keen to join in an international effort to bring sound current science and basic common sense back into the debate, writes the Methane Science Accord
6 March 2024 News
Bird numbers down due to loss of winter stubbles
John Lusby of BirdWatch Ireland says that new rules in agriculture are not well thought out. Farmland birds are one of the latest casualties.
7 February 2024 Forestry
Getting Ireland's new forestry programme back on track
Without intervention, Ireland’s flagship forestry programme will struggle to deliver. Ray Ó Foghlú recently finished a Nuffield scholarship on barriers to woodland creation. He outlines what needs to change.
Managing the threats posed by extreme weather
One of the big changes in weather forecasting has been the introduction of formal warning systems. Klara Finkele of AgMet talks to the Irish Farmers Journal about how these systems work.