Northern Ireland
UFU calls for re-think on XI tags
David Wright
The UFU has said the transition to new 'XI' tags does not give spring-calving farms enough time to use up stocks.
DAERA confirms switchover to XI tags
The Department has set out the timeline for the switch to new ‘XI’ prefix livestock tags.
DAERA confirms start date for XI tags
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has set out a timeline for the switch to new livestock tags.
Farmer has DAERA charges quashed on appeal
A Tyrone farmer was originally convicted of a series of offences linked to a cattle identification inspection
10 April 2024 Northern Ireland
UK to be dropped from NI livestock tags
A new "XI" prefix is to replace "UK" on new NI livestock tags, DAERA has confirmed
6 March 2024 Northern Ireland
UK9 to be dropped from NI cattle tags
The change will allow NI cattle farmers to remain compliant with EU law.
1 March 2024 News
ICBF moves to address blue card delays
The ICBF has recognised frustration among some farmers who send away genotype samples, but insists its turnaround times remain generally good.
21 February 2024 News
Brexit checks in Bandon?
The Dealer got a land when he heard that a officials from the UKs Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) were spotted in a pair of south west marts this week.
21 February 2024 Dealer
Dairy management: grazing, blue cards and milk fever
There is a lot of anger over delays to getting blue cards returned and tags breaking, writes Aidan Brennan.
21 February 2024 Management
Mullinahone tagging colours
The Dealer is genotyping all newborns in an attempt to do our bit to find the real number plate for each calf.
21 February 2024 Dealer
ICBF to iron out calf passport issues
The ICBF has recognised frustration among some farmers who send away genotype samples, but insists its turnaround times remain generally good.
21 February 2024 News
ICBF recognises sample delays but insists average turnaround still quick
The ICBF recognised that some farmers have been hit with delays with postage times and labs.
20 February 2024 News