Top five tips on getting ready for housing
Adam Woods
Adam Woods takes a look at five tips on getting sheds ready for housing this winter.
28 August 2024 Breeding & health
Preventing pneumonia at weaning time
Adam Woods looks at measures to prevent health problems when weaning suckler calves.
28 August 2024 Animal Health
Autumn weather woes could add to health issues
Adam Woods previews this week’s special autumn animal health focus.
NIEA overestimated ammonia from poultry
The change in emissions may be due to improved bird genetics, which have led to faster growth rates, improved feed efficiency and, therefore, less nutrient losses.
7 August 2024 Northern Ireland
Five maintenance jobs for cattle housing in late summer
While there will be plenty of field work to complete in summer, there are a few jobs that may need sorting in the yard around cattle housing. Outlined are a few examples.
27 July 2024 Management
Farm Safety Week: one lungful of slurry gas has the capacity to kill
Both stacking bales and slurry gas are lethal on farms and individuals must take safety guidelines into consideration.
26 July 2024 News
Beef management: Delayed turnout leads to housing issues
In this week's beef management notes, Adam Woods takes a look at coccidiosis.
10 April 2024 Management