Tensions are rising between farmers and environmentalists over a decision to extend the dates for burning and hedge-cutting.

The Irish Farmers Journal exclusively reported in December that Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Minister Heather Humphreys extended the periods for hedge-cutting and burning of hill vegetation on a trial basis to make land management more practical. The trial basis will last two years.

Since then, environmental groups and farmers have failed to agree on the matter.

Farmers have universally welcomed the decision, while NGOs – such An Taisce and Birdwatch Ireland – have criticised it. A reported 12,000 have signed a petition to halt Minister Humphreys’ plans.

ICSA rural development chair Bill Gray said the new rules are for the “common good”. “We cannot allow a tiny minority of extremists to continue blocking all essential works, whether it’s flood maintenance work, hedge-cutting or management of upland areas. We need common sense for the common good.

The regulations have been far too restrictive, particularly in view of heavy rainfall patterns in early autumn and spring.