Transparency on future direction of beef prices needed – ICSA
Anne O'Donoghue
ICSA beef chair John Cleary hit out at the prices offered by processors in recent months, calling them “disgraceful."
24 July 2024 News
Calls for minister to reverse decision on straw
The IFA and IGG met the Minister for Agriculture on Tuesday to discuss the debacle.
24 July 2024 News
Calls for Budget 2025 action after 57% fall in farm incomes
Farm groups have been keen to highlight the results of Teagasc's National Farm Survey to Government ahead of Budget 2025.
Straw scheme funding must still be paid if bales are made - ICSA
Straw Incorporation Measure payments will be needed to keep tillage farmers afloat, even if straw chopping is scrapped for 2024, the ICSA said.
19 July 2024 News
Hike suckler cow supports to €300/hd says ICSA
The ICSA claimed the increase in payments were justified given the significant farm management changes which are being sought to meet heightened climate, biodiversity, and water quality targets.
17 July 2024 News
Farm bodies reject claims of dodgy fertiliser imports
Both the ICMSA and the ICSA insisted that there was no evidence to support the allegations of farmers buying unregistered fertiliser.
17 July 2024 News
ICSA calls on Irish MEPs to oppose Mercosur trade deal
The new European Parliament must prioritise its own farmers first and foremost, rather than those in the Mercosur countries, the ICSA has said.
6 July 2024 News
Farm groups lay out agenda for new charter committee
Farming representatives on the Farmers' Charter are keen to see flexibility on the recouping of excess ACRES payments which went out to some farmers in the interim payment run.
4 July 2024 News
Scheme monies at risk over ACRES ‘overpayment’ classification - ICSA
ICSA president Seán McNamara said the Department of Agriculture must address the classification of ACRES interim payments as “overpayments” on their systems as a matter of urgency.
2 July 2024 News
Factories criticised by ICSA for pulling lamb prices
ICSA sheep chair Willie Shaw said in recent weeks that factories have dropped the price of spring lamb by over €1/kg, which equates to a hit of more than €20 per finished lamb.
25 June 2024 News
Farmers will not accept any more excuses on ACRES payments - ICSA
The saga of delayed payments has been going on far too long, ICSA president Seán McNamara has said.
7 June 2024 News
What do farm leaders demand of Ireland’s next batch of MEPs?
With the European elections looming, the Irish Farmers Journal spoke to the IFA, the ICSA, the INHFA and Macra on the upcoming elections.
3 June 2024 News