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Milk prices and Ornua rumblings

Deputy editor Jack Kennedy speaks about milk prices across the country and rumblings in regard to Ornua’s PPI.

Farmers at Elphin Mart

Declan Marren was in Elphin Mart on Monday evening getting some farmer reaction to the newly formed government.

1,090ac tillage farm hits the market in Offaly

Property editor Odile Evans takes a tour of Ballinla Farm, the largest to come on the market this year, with Stephen Barry of Raymond Potterton auctioneers.

Littering and dog attacks on the Cooley Peninsula

Ciaran Sheelan of the Cooley Sheep Breeders talks to Katriona Kinsella about the surge in littering and dog attacks since the COVID-19 pandemic started.

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Weekly Podcast: Rosderra loses China access and farm safety concerns

Weekly Podcast: money to the fore with new REPS and €50m beef fund